Learning Gains from Using Games in the Classroom
This week we had an Input from three University of Dundee
lecturers, David
Miller, Divya Jindal-Snape and Jill Shimi who have been researching the
benefits gained from using Games in the classroom.
David Miller shared his findings from his research
concerning Dr Kawashima’s Brain Training.
Jindal-Snape discussed the benefits she found from using Guitar Hero to ease
the trainsition period from Primary 7 to Secondary School.
Shimi revealed the advantages she found from using Nintendogs with the Lower
Primary Classes.
of these games are known as COTS games (Commercial off the shelf games) which have
not traditionally been used in the classroom, however, Buckingham (2007)
discusses increasing interest for these games, “researchers have been
significantly more interested in the potential of using mainstream commercial
games in the classroom.” (p114)
week I have chosen to reflect upon David Millers input regarding Dr
Kawashima’s Brain Training.
Miller and Robertson’s (2010) initial idea for the research
was to use Brain Training for the Nintendo DS in the classroom. A study was
carried out which one class of P6 pupils would complete an arithmetic test
before the study; they would then play Brain Training every day for 20 minutes
a day for 9 weeks. Following this a further arithmetic test was completed which
had shown that not only had their accuracy of answers improved their speed in
completing the test had also improved. Another are the children seemed to
improve in was self esteem.
However this study was only completed for one class,
therefore Miller and Robertson began preparing for a bigger study.
This time they randomly used 634 (P6) children from more
deprived areas in 32 schools across 4 authorities. Half of the children were
given a Nintendo DS to use every day, and for the other half there was no
change in the teacher’s routine.
This study found that the performance in terms of accuracy
had improved by 50% and in terms of speed the children had completed the
arithmetic test twice as faster as before.
The teachers of these classes also found there was an
improvement in truancy and lateness as children were more motivated to come to
school to get to play the DS in the morning. Also the children’s sense of
responsibility had improved as it was their duty to ensure the Nintendo DS’
were charged and ready to use. Furthermore the teachers also found an improvement
in children’s handwriting. They believe this was because although the teachers
had been asking the children to take more care with their handwriting, now the children
had a purpose, if their handwriting was not legible their answer would be incorrect.
I found this study extremely interesting. This would be an
excellent tool to use in the classroom if resources were available.
Prensky (2006) states that children are Digital Natives,
meaning they have been born into a world where technology is used widely and
they know how to use it. “Today’s average college grads have spent fewer than 5,000
hours of their lives reading, but often more than 10,000 hours playing video
games.” (p27) Therefore if children are
spending twice as much time playing games than reading we should as teachers
use this information to engage children in our classrooms.
Curriculum for Excellence Principles – http://www.ltscotland.org.uk/understandingthecurriculum/howisthecurriculumstructured/principles/index.asp
Children want to be engaged in the classroom and as a teacher
in training I want to engage the children I teach. Computer games engage
children because they already know how to play them, and as Prensky (2006)
states “It’s an activity they want to do”. (p5) This relates to the Curriculum
for Excellence (CfE) Principle Relevance. Children need to understand the purpose
in why they are doing something; this is proven by in the improvement in
handwriting from the P6 pupils because they understood why their handwriting must
be neater, not just to satisfy the teacher.
Using Brain Training in the classroom also links to the CfE
Principle, Personalisation and Choice. The children are able to work away at
their own level and complete activities they enjoy more than others. This will
motivate the children more because they have a choice what activity they want
to do instead of being told what to do.
A further CfE principle Brain Training links to is
Progression. The children are developing their knowledge, understanding and
skills each day as they compete with their previous score to achieve better. I
think this is important for the children to learn that life is not about
competing with others; building your own knowledge and skills so that you can
achieve a higher score next time to benefit yourself is more important.
Again I have seen Nintendo Ds being used in the classroom;
however before this input I would have never considered using this as a starter
at the beginning of the day. I would definitely use it now. Finding a
meaningful and interesting 9 o’clock challenge for the children can sometimes be
difficult, and using Brain Training can be a fun yet challenging tool which I
think the children would love and benefit from.
D (2007). Beyond Technology Children's learning in the age of digital culture
. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Prensky, M (2006). Don't bother me mom - I'm learning . Oakcrest Avenue: Paragon House
Scottish Government (2010) Principles for Curricular Design
available http://www.ltscotland.org.uk/understandingthecurriculum/howisthecurriculumstructured/principles/index.asp
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available http://www.ltscotland.org.uk/understandingthecurriculum/howisthecurriculumstructured/principles/index.asp
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Well done, a very informative post with a good balance between theory and practice.